Our last night on the South Island was spent in the cute little city of Picton. We didn't have a whole lot planned for Picton, so we pretty much just relaxed. We spent time by the harbor,
got "dinner" at the gas station (because we're that cool), and then got ready to catch
the ferry the next morning.
We rode the ferry back to Wellington the next morning and had about 4 hours to see the city. One of the things we did in those 4 hours was visit the Museum of New Zealand.
It was full of all kinds of things, including trolls from The Hobbit (I'm about to be squished by trolls and look so happy! What a weirdo!),
a CREEPY AS baby doll (guys, it blinked and opened its mouth and stuff! Who decides to put this kind of stuff in a museum?!),
a giant squid (It was disgusting! But did you know that giant squids have eyeballs the size of soccer balls??),
and a really cool map of New Zealand!
Our museum visit was followed by a short visit to The Weta Cave. (Weta is the production company responsible for movies like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, etc.)
Not of huge fan of this guy...
(Left: weapons and a shield from one of the Chronicles of Narnia movies; Right: Helmets from one of the Lord of the Rings movies)

Our night in Wellington and on the South Island ended with yet another beautiful New Zealand sunset.
Wellington was followed by Taupo, which brought a visit to a small water park (which had mineral hot pots and a water slide...could you ask for anything better??), a picture in matching sweatshirts,
and a full on dance party. Here Kylie is showing us "punch dancing." It's the next big thing. Trust me.
Pokeno (Round 2)
Don't EVER let a chance to get delicious ice cream pass you by.
(I think this should be my new motto. Yes?)
After our side trip to Pokeno we finally headed back to Auckland. We were all exhausted and very much looking forward to staying in one place for a little while. Living out of a suitcase and packing every few days is not my favorite thing in the world.
Our trip to the South Island was absolutely incredible! It was packed full of firsts, adventures, giggles, and incredible people. It will definitely go down as unforgettable. Life since the South Island has been absolutely crazy, but equally full of adventure and new experiences. Stay tuned for more updates!!
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